CSS image() Function

The CSS image() function allows you to specify an image with fallback options and annotations.

The image() function provides similar functionality to the url() function, with the added ability to do the following:

Official Syntax

The exact syntax of the image() function depends on the specfication you use (Level 3 or Level 4). Note that Level 3 is at Candidate Recommendation status and Level 4 is still in Working Draft status, so the following information could change.

Level 3 Syntax

CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 3 (W3C Candidate Recommendation) specifies this syntax:

Explanation of these values:


Specifies an image as a valid url value.
Specifies an image as a valid string value.
This option allows you to specify another element to be used as the image, based on its ID selector. This is done with the element() function.


Represents a solid-color image of the given color with no intrinsic dimensions. This color can be used as an ultimate fallback in the event that none of the specified images can be displayed.

Level 4 Syntax

CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Module Level 4 (W3C Working Draft) specifies this syntax:


These allow you to specify a directionality for the image. For example, if the image is an arrow that represents a bullet point that points into the content, you can use this setting to ensure the arrow always points the correct way, whether the text is LTR or RTL.

Specifies left to right. For example, image(ltr "arrow.png").
Specifies right to left. For example, image(rtl "arrow.png").


Specifies the source of the image.

Specifies an image as a valid url value.
Specifies an image as a valid string value.


Represents a solid-color image of the given color with no intrinsic dimensions. This color can be used as an ultimate fallback in the event that none of the specified images can be displayed.

CSS Specifications