CSS Color Values
List of color values that can be used with CSS.
CSS provides multiple ways of specifying a color value when applying color to web pages and other documents. For example, can use a color name, an RGB value, an HSL value, and more.
Here's a list of color values that can be used with any of the CSS properties that accept a color value.
Here are some quick examples of the various color values.
The hsl()
function allows you to create colors by specifying the hue, saturation, and lightness levels.
hsla(30, 100%, 50%);
Same as the hsla()
function, but allows you to create a transparent color by using a fourth value. The fourth value represents the alpha channel of the color.
hsla(30, 100%, 50%, 0.5);
The rgb()
function lets you create a color by adding varying amounts of red, green, and blue together.
hsla(30, 100%, 50%);
The rgba()
function is the same as the RGB method, but allows you to create a transparent color by setting a fourth value. The fourth value represents the alpha channel.
hsla(30, 100%, 50%, 0.5);
Hex 6-Digit
Allows you to specify RGB colors using six-digit hexadecimal notation.
Hex 3-Digit
The three-digit notation is shorthand for the six-digit method.
Hex 8-Digit
The eight-digit hex notation is like the six-digit method, but it allows you to specify a transparent color by using a fourth color component, which specifies an alpha channel for the color.
Hex 4-Digit
The four-digit notation is shorthand for the eight-digit method.