CSS Color Scheme Generator

Enter a color to see suitable color combinations based on the triad, tetrad, monochromatic, analogous, and split complements color schemes.

Color Schemes & Combinations

Here are some basic techniques used in color theory for combining colors. These are all based on your selected color.


Complementary color schemes use colors at opposite sides of the color wheel.

Color wheel showing a sample complementary color scheme

Split Complements

Similar to the complementary color scheme, however, instead of using the complementary color, a split-complement color scheme uses the two complementary colors on either side of the complement color.

Color wheel showing a sample split-complementary color scheme


A triadic color scheme uses colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel.

Color wheel showing a sample triad color scheme


The tetradic color scheme (also known as a rectangle color scheme) uses four colors arranged into two complementary pairs.

Color wheel showing a sample tetradic color scheme


A monochromatic scheme takes the base hue, then repeats it in various shades, tints, and tones.

Color wheel showing how a monochromatic color scheme fits into the color wheel


Analogous color schemes use colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.

Color wheel showing how an analogous color scheme fits into the color wheel


Here are some variations on the original color, such as darkening it, lightening, increasing saturation, reducing it, etc.

Variation Adjusted Color Original Color
Most Readable Combination

This color scheme generator uses TinyColor.