JavaScript Operators

JavaScript operators are used to perform an operation. There are different types of operators for different uses.

Below is a listing of JavaScript operators and a brief description of them. Don't worry if you don't understand all of them at this stage — just bookmark this page for reference and return whenever you need to.

Arithmetic Operators

%Modulus (remainder of a division)

Assignment Operators

+=Add and assign. For example, x+=y is the same as x=x+y.
-=Subtract and assign. For example, x-=y is the same as x=x-y.
*=Multiply and assign. For example, x*=y is the same as x=x*y.
/=Divide and assign. For example, x/=y is the same as x=x/y.
%=Modulus and assign. For example, x%=y is the same as x=x%y.

Comparison Operators

==Is equal to
===Is identical (is equal to and is of the same type)
!=Is not equal to
!==Is not identical
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to

Logical/boolean Operators


String Operators

In JavaScript, a string is simply a piece of text.

+Concatenate (join two strings together)
+=Concatenate and assign

You will learn how to use some of the most common of these JavaScript operators in the following pages.