CSS At-Rules
Alphabetical list of CSS at-rules.
- @bottom-center
- @bottom-left
- @bottom-left-corner
- @bottom-right
- @bottom-right-corner
- @charset
- @counter-style
- @document
- @font-face
- @font-feature-values
- @import
- @left-bottom
- @left-middle
- @left-top
- @keyframes
- @media
- @namespace
- @page
- @right-bottom
- @right-middle
- @right-top
- @supports
- @top-center
- @top-left
- @top-left-corner
- @top-right
- @top-right-corner
About CSS at-rules
CSS is made up of properties, functions, at-rules (or @-rules), and more. The CSS specification defines how these features work by explaining the feature, and listing the values or data types that they accept.
An at-rule is a CSS statement beginning with an at sign, @
(U+0040 COMMERCIAL AT), followed by an identifier and includes everything up to the next semi-colon, ;
(U+003B SEMICOLON), or the next CSS block, whichever comes first.
For example, the @font-face
at-rule allows you to use a custom font so that you aren't solely reliant on the fonts that are installed on the user's computer. And the @import
at-rule can be used to import another style sheet into the current style sheet.
While you could easily create a website that doesn't use any at-rules, they do provide extra functionality that could be difficult (or impossible) to achieve otherwise.