SQL Server System Errors: 42000 - 45999

List of error messages between 42000 and 45999 in SQL Server 2017.

These error messages are all available by querying the sys.messages catalog view on the master database.

message_id severity is_event_logged text
42001160Failed to parse XML configuration. The operating system returned error %ls.
42002160Failed to parse XML configuration. The parser returned error %.*ls
42003160Failed to parse XML configuration. A required attribute '%ls' is missing.
42004160Failed to parse XML configuration. A required element '%ls' is missing.
42005160Failed to parse XML configuration. Invalid value for attribute '%ls'.
42006160The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a valid path.
42007160The default tempdb directory ('%ls') in XDB is not a local path.
42008160ODBC error: State: %ls: Error: %d Message:'%ls'.
42009160Instance certificate '%ls' cannot be found.
42010160Cannot initiate cross instance connection.
42011160ODBC initialization error: : %d.
42012160XodbcWrapper Enforced Retry For Testing.
42013160HTTP initialization error: : %d.
42014160Cannot retrieve server admin credential configuration.
42015200Error occurred while attempting to authenticate user remotely. Error %d, State %d.
42016160Error occurred in the DosGuard.
42017160Error occurred in the Redirector's proxy while parsing a packet. Expected: %d, Actual: %d.
42018160Remote transaction has been doomed and cannot commit.
42019160%ls operation failed. %ls
42020160Updating name to '%.*ls' failed.
42021160Initialization of http session handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42022160Initialization of http connect handle for fetching federation metadata failed during AzureActiveDirectory initialization.
42023160Updating userdb properties on copy termination failed.
42024160Switching to logical master database failed.
42025160The extended recovery fork stack in the metadata of FCB is either corrupted or in an unexpected format.
42026160Loading the Active Directory Library failed.
42027160Initialization of the Active Directory Function pointers failed.
42028160The database '%.*ls' has been detached as it was marked as a shared disk instance and was not started. This is an informational message; no user action is required.
42029160An internal error happened while generating a new DBTS for database "%.*ls". Please retry the operation.
42030160Updating logical master's sys.databases on seeding completion failed.
42031160This functionality is not supported for A/B test isolated instances.
42032160XODBC Get Authentication Cache failed, state %d
42033160Updating Layered AG Configuration failed.
43001160'%.*ls' is not a valid login name.
43002160Storage in MB %d exceeds the maximum limit %d.
43003160More than one firewall rules have the same name '%.*ls'.
43004160'%.*ls' is not a valid firewall rule name because it contains invalid characters.
43005160'%.*ls' is not a valid database name because it contains invalid characters.
43006160Database name '%.*ls' is too long.
43007160'%.*ls' is not a valid database charset.
43008160'%.*ls' is not a valid database collation.
43009160Storage in MB %d is below the minimum limit.
43010160'%.*ls' cannot be updated.
43011160'%.*ls' is not a valid version.
43012160The configuration name cannot be empty.
43013160The value for configuration '%.*ls' cannot be empty.
43014160The same configuration '%.*ls' cannot be updated more than once.
43015160The configuration '%.*ls' does not exist for %.*ls server version %.*ls.
43016160The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid. The allowed values are '%.*ls'.
43017160The configuration names you defined are not consistent.
43018160The value '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not consistent with default value '%.*ls'.
43019160The source '%.*ls' for configuration '%.*ls' is not valid.
45001160%ls operation failed. Specified federation name does not exist.
45002160%ls operation failed. Specified federation distribution name %.*ls is not valid.
45003160%ls operation failed. Specified data type is not supported as a federation distribution.
45004160%ls operation failed. Specified value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45005160Filter value cannot be set or was already set for this session.
45006160The federation key value is out of bounds for this member.
45007160%ls cannot be run while another federation operation is in progress on federation %.*ls and member with id %d.
45008160A partition in a table group that has a partition key defined is not allowed to be a federation member.
45014160%ls is not supported on %S_MSG.
45015160Specified federation operation id is already in use.
45016160Specified federation %.*ls does not exist.
45017160%ls operation failed. Specified federation name %.*ls is not valid.
45018160Specified federation operation id is invalid for %ls operation.
45019160%ls operation failed. Federation is in invalid state.
45020160%ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation id.
45021160%ls operation failed. %d is not a valid federation member id.
45022160A column insert or update conflicts with a federation member range. The statement was terminated. The conflict occurred in database '%.*ls', table '%.*ls', column '%.*ls'.
45023160%ls cannot be called on %S_MSG.
45024160ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed. Specified boundary value already exists for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45025160%ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45026160%ls operation failed. Specified boundary value does not exist for federation distribution %.*ls and federation %.*ls.
45027160%ls operation failed. Specified type information is not valid for federation distribution.
45028160%ls operation failed. Specified boundary value is not valid for current federation member.
45029160%ls operation failed. The federation distribution scheme size cannot exceed 900 bytes.
45030150The USE FEDERATION statement is missing the required %.*ls option. Provide the option in the WITH clause of the statement.
45031160The USE FEDERATION statement is not supported on a connection which has multiple active result sets (MARS) enabled.
45032160The USE FEDERATION statement is not allowed under non-revertible impersonated security context.
45033160Federation member %d is not available. Another command is creating or dropping it.
45034160Federation member database cannot be dropped using DROP DATABASE.
45035160Federation member database cannot be renamed using ALTER DATABASE.
45036160ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation has been aborted. The %.*ls federation was dropped while the split was still in progress.
45037160ALTER FEDERATION SPLIT operation failed due to an internal error. This request has been assigned a tracing ID of '%.*ls'. Provide this tracing ID to customer support when you need assistance.
45038160CREATE DATABASE AS COPY OF %S_MSG is not supported.
45039160Federation member database cannot be restored.
45040160Service objective for federation member database cannot be changed using ALTER DATABASE.
45041160Federation member database options cannot be changed.
45042160Federation root database options cannot be changed.
45043160ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH %ls is not supported on %ls members.
45044160ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %.*ls is not a valid database that can be switched in.
45045160ALTER FEDERATION SWITCH IN failed. %ls of the federation key in %.*ls doesn't match with the correponding property of federation %.*ls.
45046160%ls operation failed. The specified value for federation %.*ls does not correspond to a present member.
45101160Parameter "%ls" should contain all configurable dimension properties.
45102160Parameter "%ls" should contain settings for all dimensions.
45103160Cannot reset the last setting for a dimension to non-default.
45104160The default setting cannot be deleted for a dimension.
45105160Cannot assign a deprecated setting as successor.
45106160Cannot create new item. The max provision count has been reached.
45107160Cannot reset service objective to draft from enabled or disabled state.
45108160Default service objective cannot be disabled.
45109160Parameter "%ls" contains conflicting dimension setting selections.
45110160Parameter %s value cannot be applied to service objective in non-draft mode.
45111160Cannot reset the last service objective to non-default.
45112160Cannot delete the default service objective.
45113160Cannot set the service objective as default in draft mode.
45114160Cannot edit setting marked as deprecated.
45115160Cannot assign a disabled service objective to a database.
45116160Cannot delete a setting without a successor assigned for deprecation.
45117160Cannot delete a system service objective.
45118160Cannot assign a system service objective to user database.
45119160Property selections contain conflicting values.
45120160The name '%ls' already exists. Choose a different name.
45121160Server '%ls' does not support memory-optimized data. Make sure both source and target servers are enabled for memory-optimized data.
45125160Parameter "%ls" cannot be empty or null.
45126160Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45127160Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45128160Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45129160Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45130160Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45131160Parameter "%ls" is invalid.
45132160Every database must be assigned a service objective.
45133170A connection failed while the operation was still in progress, and the outcome of the operation is unknown. Query sys.dm_operation_status in the master database for current job status.
45134160The remote partner server name '%ls' could not be resolved.
45135160Only continuous database copies can be updated.
45136160Only continuous database copies can be terminated.
45137160 Insufficient permission to create a database copy on server '%ls'.
45138160The destination database name '%ls' already exists on the server '%ls'.
45139160The source server name should be the server of the current connection.
45140160Maximum lag does not support the specified value. Maximum lag must be between '%ls' and '%ls'.
45141160Database copies can only be initiated on the source server.
45142160IsForcedTerminate cannot be set while creating a database copy. This can only be updated on the source server after it is created.
45143160The source database '%ls' does not exist.
45144160Continuous copy cannot be initiated on source database '%ls' because it is a federation root member.
45145160Only continuous database copies can be created.
45146160Database copy property '%ls' is required.
45147160Database copy property '%ls' cannot be changed.
45148160 '%ls' is not supported for entity '%ls'.
45149160 Continuous copy is not supported on 'master' database.
45150160 Feature is disabled.
45151160 Changing value(s) '%ls' for entity '%ls' not supported.
45152160 Termination of a database copy cannot be performed because the destination server '%ls' is unavailable or the database copy does not exist on the destination server. Try forced termination instead.
45153160 Management Service is not currently available. Please retry the operation later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '%ls'.
45154160A free database already exists for subscription '%ld' for the selected region. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45155160A free database operation is already in progress for subscription '%ld'. Subscription can have only one free database per region. To provision another free database in same subscription, choose a different region. To provision another free database in same region, use different subscription.
45156160Subscription '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45157160Server '%.*ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45158160Cannot move server '%.*ls' from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls'. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45159160Cannot move servers from source subscription '%ls' to target subscription '%ls' since both subscriptions have free databases. You can have only one free database per subscription. To continue the move operation, drop one of the free databases, or use a different subscription.
45160160Subscription '%ls' doesn't have any servers to move.
45162160Operation failed because subscription '%ls' is disabled.
45163160Create Server request must either specify SQL login with password or denote admin login is a federated user by setting 'IsFederatedAdminLogin' property to 'True'.
45164160 Invalid number of database copies: '%d'. Only one database copy is currently allowed to be created along with the database creation.
45165160Continuous copy is not supported on the free database '%.*ls'.
45166160Database '%.*ls' was %.*ls successfully, but some properties could not be displayed.
45167160An invalid state transition was attempted.
45168160The server '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45169160The subscription '%.*ls' has too many active connections. Try again later.
45170160A trusted certificate was not found for this request.
45171160Secondary database must be created in the same server as primary database unless 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45172160The 'MaximumLag' parameter requires that 'IsContinuous' is specified.
45173160Source server not found for subscription: %ls, resource group: %ls, server name: %ls.
45174160Unable to queue server %ls for migration. There is a pending migration request for the server.
45175160Unable to queue server %ls for migration. A migration is already in progress.
45176160Unable to queue server %ls for migration. The server is using feature %ls that prevents it from being migrated.
45177160Unable to queue server %ls for migration. Failed to find a target cluster for migration.
45178160Database create mode '%ls' is not supported.
45179160The operation timed out and automatically rolled back. Please retry the operation.
45180160Resource with the name '%ls' already exists. To continue, specify a different resource name.
45181160Resource with the name '%ls' does not exist. To continue, specify a valid resource name.
45182160Database '%ls' is busy with another operation. Please try your operation later.
45183160There is an import or export operation in progress on the database '%ls'.
45184160Operation Id '%ls' was not found.
45185160The change role completion notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls' was ignored as freshness number did not match. Expected '%d'.
45186160Database create mode '%ls' is not supported in state '%ls'.
45187160The replication mode updated notification for logical server '%.*ls', ag id '%ls', local database id '%ls', partner database id '%ls' was ignored as current replication mode did not match expected value '%ls'.
45188160The operation has been cancelled by user.
45189160 Insufficient permission to add secondary on server '%ls'.
45190160 '%ls' is an invalid name because it contains one or more unsupported unicode characters.
45191160The operation could not be completed because it would result in data loss on secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls.' Set the 'replace' parameter to proceed anyway.
45192160The value specified for 'allow_connections' does not match the value for the existing replication relation for database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45193160Database '%ls' on server '%ls' is already the target in another replication relationship.
45194160The operation could not be completed because it would result in target database '%ls' on server '%ls' having a lower service objective than source database '%ls' on server '%ls.'
45195160The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is the source in another replication relationship.
45196160The operation on the resource could not be completed because it was interrupted by another operation on the same resource.
45197170A system maintenance operation is in progress on server '%.*ls' and database '%.*ls.' Please wait a few minutes before trying again.
45198160MODIFY LOG FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE.
45199160This command requires a database encryption scan on database '%.*ls'. However, the database has changes from previous encryption scans that are pending log backup. Please wait several minutes for the log backup to complete and retry the command.
45200160The server '%ls' are not associated with the tenant '%ls'.
45201160SQL Server Agent service is not running.
45202160Timed out after %ld seconds waiting for Smart Admin job to complete. Please run the stored procedure again.
45203160The parameter @state cannot be NULL, and should be 1 or 0. Specify 1 to start SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure, or 0 to pause.
45204160The parameter %ls cannot be NULL or empty. Provide a valid %ls.
45205160No backup setting is supplied. Please specify at least one backup setting to be configured.
45206160The value specified for parameter @type is invalid. The @type parameter value should either be 'Database' or 'Log'.
45208160SQL Server Managed Backup to Windows Azure master switch is not turned on.
45209160The parameter value for notification email is not specified or is NULL. Please specify a valid email to enable notifications for Smart Admin.
45210160Database Mail is not enabled for SQL Agent to use for Notifications. Enable Database Mail as the mail system for alerts.
45211160Database mail profile is not setup for SQL Agent notifications.
45212160The value specified for parameter %ls is invalid. Provide a valid %ls.
45213160@full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'Custom'
45214160@days_of_week must be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Weekly'
45215160Local caching is not yet supported.
45216160@full_backup_freq_type, @backup_begin_time, @backup_duration, and @log_backup_freq must not be specified if @scheduling_option is set to 'System'
45217160@encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must not be specified if @encryption_algorithm is set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45218160@encryptor_type, and @encryptor_name must be specified if @encryption_algorithm is not set to 'NO_ENCRYPTION'
45219160@days_of_week must not be specified if @full_backup_freq_type is set to 'Daily'
45220100An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45221100An error occurred while configuring for the SQL Agent: error %d, severity %d, state %d.
45301170The resource has been moved to another location
45302170SLO '%ls' operation cannot succeed as the memory usage of '%ls' exceeds the quota.
45303170Attempt to cancel activation or rollback activation automatically because of operation timeout, but this is not supported in current state. Please check database status after operation is finished.
45304160Elastic pool estimate '%.*ls' was not found for server '%.*ls'
45305160Request could not be processed because of conflict in the request: '%.*ls'
45306160The external admin cannot be set because the user or group already exists in the 'master' database.
45307160Advisor '%.*ls' was not found for requested resource
45308160Recommended action '%.*ls' was not found for advisor '%.*ls'
45309160The operation could not be completed because database '%ls' on server '%ls' is recovering from a geo-replication role change and is not currently eligible to become a primary or standalone database. Wait until the relationship leaves the 'SUSPENDED' replication state and try again.
45310160Unable to return metrics. Request would return too much data.
45311160The server key '%.*ls' already exists. Please choose a different server key name.
45312160The server key URI '%.*ls' already exists as another server key.
45313160The server key '%.*ls' cannot be deleted because it is currently in use by '%.*ls'.
45314160Server key '%.*ls' does not exist. Make sure that the server key name is entered correctly.
45315160The operation could not be completed because a service objective assignment is in progress for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls.' Wait for the service objective assignment to complete and try again.
45316160MODIFY FILE failed. Size is greater than MAXSIZE. Please query sys.database_files and use DBCC SHRINKFILE to reduce the file size first.
45317160Server '%.*ls' does not exist in resource group '%.*ls' in subscription '%.*ls'.
45318160 Service Fabric Application Version is not available.
45319160The service objective assignment for database '%.*ls' on server '%.*ls' could not be completed as the database is too busy. Reduce the workload before initiating another service objective update.
45320160The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' is disabled.
45321160The operation could not be completed on server '%.*ls' because attempts to connect to Azure Key Vault '%.*ls' have failed
45322160The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault key '%.*ls' expiration date is invalid.
45323160Unable to start a copy because the source database '%ls' is being updated.
45324160The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Uri is null or empty.
45325160The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name is null or empty.
45326160The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' does not exist.
45327160The operation could not be completed because the Azure Key Vault Key name '%ls' is currently set as server encryption protector.
45328160The server identity is not correctly configured on server '%ls'. Please contact support.
45329160An invalid response from Azure Key Vault. Please use a valid Azure Key Vault URI.
45330160The server '%ls' requires the following Azure Key Vault permisions: '%ls'. Please grant the missing permissions to the service principal with ID '%ls'.
45331160The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is not supported for a '%ls' database.
45332160The operation could not be completed because the read scale value specified is invalid.
45333160The service request timed out. %ls.
45334160Server edition '%ls' is invalid.
45335160Server type '%ls' is invalid.
45336160The operation could not be completed because '%ls' is an invalid Server Key name. Please provide a key name in the format of 'vault_key_version'. For example, if the keyId is https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/01234567890123456789012345678901, then the Server Key Name should be formatted as: YourVaultName_YourKeyName_01234567890123456789012345678901.
45337160The planned failover operation has rolled back because database '%ls' could not be synchronized with its remote partner. This may be due to a service outage, or to a high volume of write traffic. Consider using forced failover.
45338160The planned failover operation has rolled back because the remote server '%ls' could not be reached. This may be due to a service outage. Consider using forced failover.
45339160The max size update on the geo-secondary database '%ls' on server '%ls' failed with reason '%ls'.
45340160The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library (ADAL) is '%ls'.
45341160The operation could not be completed because an error was encountered when attempting to retrieve Key Vault information for '%ls' from server '%ls'. The encountered error message is '%ls'.
45342160The operation could not be completed because an Azure Active Directory error was encountered. Please ensure the server '%ls' and key vault '%ls' belong to the same tenant. The error message from Active Directory Authentication library is '%ls'.
45343160The provided Key Vault uri '%ls' is not valid. Please ensure the uri contains the vault, key, and key version information. An example valid uri looks like 'https://YourVaultName.vault.azure.net/keys/YourKeyName/01234567890123456789012345678901'. Please ensure the vault belongs to an endpoint from the list of supported endpoints available at '%ls'.