As with database backups, in SQL Server 2016, you can restore a database by using either Transact-SQL, PowerShell, or via the SQL Server Management Studio GUI.
Here, I'll demonstrate how to restore a database using the SQL Server Management System GUI, then using Transact-SQL.
Restore a Database via the GUI
In this example, we're going to restore a backup of a brand new database called WideWorldImporters.
The WideWorldImporters database is a sample database provided by Microsoft's SQL Server Team to demonstrate how SQL Server's features can be used in a real-world scenario.
This process will create a new database called WideWorldImporters. The database will contain various objects (such as tables, views, stored procedures, etc). It will also contain sample data, so there's no need to add your own.
Download the WideWorldImporters-Full.bak file if you're using the Evaluation, Developer, or the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server.
Or download the WideWorldImporters-Standard.bak file if you're using SQL Server Standard Edition.
Launch the Restore Database Dialog Box
Select the Backup File
Select the Backup File
Check the Settings
Success Message
Check the Database
Restore a Database Using Transact-SQL
You can now use this database to try out different things. Feel free to expermiment with it. Query data, delete data, drop objects, anything. After all, if you completely mess it up, you can always restore the database from the backup file.